10 keys to the best coexistence between dogs and cats — tasty.pet
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10 chiavi per la migliore convivenza tra cani e gatti

10 keys to the best coexistence between dogs and cats

They are undoubtedly the two most common and most successful pet species. However, they are very different from each other. Understanding these differences and knowing their particularities is very important for good coexistence. The keys that we explain below can help you if you already have a dog at home and want him to have a new cat friend and, equally, if you already have a cat at home and want him to discover what it means to have a dog friend.

1- Coexistence between dogs and cats: get to know your animals:

It is important to know the natural behavior of each species to determine how your relationship will develop. Although each animal has its own individual characteristics, cats are generally more independent and dogs are more sociable. Dogs understand that there is a hierarchy, which makes training easier, while cats don't understand this. Furthermore, they have different needs: dogs need to go out for walks and exercise and their rhythm of life is diurnal; cats, on the other hand, need less space and their periods of activity and rest alternate between day and night.

2- Planning:

The success of a good understanding between dog and cat will be much greater if they have known each other since they were puppies. If not, we must plan more specifically how to introduce the new arrival and prepare everything necessary to facilitate his adaptation, spaces, accessories, food and water bowls. Furthermore, we can prepare the pet we already own in advance, training our dog in obedience or providing a safe space for our cat.

3- Coexistence between dogs and cats: the first meetings:

Once we have decided and made preparations and changes for the arrival of the new pet, the first meetings must be done with caution. At the beginning, until we see how they react, the most advisable thing is to keep the dog on a leash and observe his reactions from a certain distance.

4- The smell:

The exchange of smells between dogs and cats is essential for getting to know each other. If we leave them objects that have been used by the other, we will help them to get used to and tolerate each other little by little.

5- Our adaptation:

Educate and train respecting the basics of the ethology of each species and letting the relationship between them develop as naturally as possible, trying to interfere only when necessary and separately.

6- Coexistence between dogs and cats: realistic expectations:

We must be willing to accept the relationship that will be established between them, which can range from passive tolerance to closer and more active interaction.

7- Health measures for each of them:

Before contact both must be healthy and clean, with an up-to-date deworming plan. For example, a good way to care for your two furry friends would be to use an exact dose, at the right time, such as Monthly Double Protection, which protects them through external and internal deworming.

8- Hygiene:

You will need to establish a cleaning routine for your pets, their accessories, toys, beds, feeders, waterers and cat litter. The litter box should be cleaned frequently using gloves and placed out of reach of the dog.

9- Food:

Everyone must have their own food and the diet and eating habits of dogs and cats are different. The arrangement of food and water bowls is important to prevent the dog, for example, from eating the cat's food.

10- Special cases:

In the event that there are already problems in coexistence between a cat and a dog, it is not easy to recommend a solution without knowing the details, the best thing to do is to consult a veterinarian.

Good luck with the new family adventure you are starting!

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